Wednesday, May 7, 2014

My Return to Nature Journey

Back Story

I have always been a naturalist at heart. Always had a strong connection to the earth. I am a Capricorn, earth sign. My parents were both caring, practical people that loved the natural world and taught me to treat it as a gift from God.
I learned to care for the planet from my father. He was a Boy Scout and Boy Scout Leader. He taught me to leave our campsite as we found it. He never littered and always disposed of chemical correctly.
My mother taught me the life long lessons of preventative care and simple remedies. Our pediatrician, Dr. William Fackler gave my mother typed notes on what to do, at home for most common childhood illnesses. I think my mother still has these notes. As a result of this upbringing, my sister and I both have very healthy immune systems.

First Steps

My journey began almost without my knowing it. Our city began recycling and we were the first to jump in full force. Like my mother, I raised my son's with preventative medicine and they now have healthy immune systems.
My first conscious steps to a natural lifestyle began in the Fall of 2010 when I began my Texas Master Naturalist certification class. I began to learn how humans had altered the natural flow of the planet. Most of the alteration have been catastrophic to our planet. And my mission as a Texas Master Naturalist is "to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities."
This mission has propelled me to educate myself and make significant changes in my home. I have studied native Texas plants to find not only better landscape products, but to find their medicinal value. Learning about the benefits of native wildlife, I found how our use of chemicals is endangering wildlife and insects and drastically altering natural flows.

I hope you enjoy and find my posts useful. A word of Caution: I will give you information and tell you of my personal results. Remember each of us is a unique and special being. Just because it works (or doesn't work) for me you could have a completely different result. Therefore, acquire information from multiple sources and only do what you know to be right for you and your family.

Be true to you!

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