Monday, June 20, 2016

Finally a beekeeper

As so many of you know, I have had the burning desire to become a beekeeper for many years! In 2015 my husband and I purchased our dream property in East Central Texas and my beekeeping dream had a platform.
I spent the first year gathering as much information as I could find. On both beekeeping and the natural native flora and fauna of my 12 acres. As I have learned this will be a never ending education for me and I am thriving on it.

Buying the Equipment:
I purchased a Langstroth style BuildaBeehive 10 Frame Deluxe Beehive Starter Kit from Amazon in October. My husband and I assembled the boxes and frames in about 2 hours on a Saturday in March. Hint: pre-drill the holes for the frames. Everything else come pre-drilled. The kit included a top quality smoker, hive tool, gloves and feeder. The included book was informative and great as a reference tool. Also included was smoker fuel pellets that work very well. I am just very blessed to live surrounded by an endless supply of smoker fuel.

Buying the Bees:
I purchased my bees from Bee Weaver. I placed my order in November. I chose to purchase a Nuc. A four frame deep box of established brood and new caged, fertilized queen. Luckily I realized in February the deep nuc frames would not fit in the medium supers in my Starter Kit. I was able to purchase a deep box from Bee Weaver and picked it up when I pickup my bees in mid-April.
Installation Day
The journey has begun!